Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Honey, We Can See Your Nipples

Okay, if you're not a nursing mama, you might just want to skip this one.

Saturday after my run I was walking home to cool down. An older couple was approaching me. The man whispered something to the woman. She said to me as she passed by,

"Honey, we can see your nipples."

"Oh, that's okay," I said, and continued on my way.
As a mama nursing a (very busy) toddler, I estimate that one person every day (other than my husband and my daughter) sees my nipples in the flesh. Bird is constantly popping on and off to take in her surroundings while enjoying her "neenee." This is par for the course and doesn't bother me in the least. That's what they're for!

So seeing my nipples through a bra and a shirt after my run? Not that big a deal.

Not that big a deal as long as they are:
a) level with one another
b) pointing in the same direction

I hope you can have a laugh on me today. :]


  1. haha! laughs on the older couple for feeling the need to make such a deal out of it and share with you. ~Em

  2. Hilarious Katherine!...and so true. In school, I wore a skirt one day (in middle school), and you could sort of see thru to my underwear. I asked my mom before leaving if it was okay and/or appropriate. She said it was fine and told me to tell anyone who thought otherwise, that if they didn't know I was already wearing underwear, they had a problem and now they knew. ;)

    Same goes for nipples....didn't they know you had em? Seriously...come on folks.

