Saturday, April 16, 2011

Earth Day Fair

Whew! We are rather neglectful bloggers, I'll admit that. But we do have our hands full with two of the most amazing babes ever to be born!

Come see us today from 11-4 (ish... or until the babies are done) at South Park in Lawrence. We'll be talking about natural and attachment parenting, especially babywearing, cloth diapering and breastfeeding. We'll be enjoying each others' company (and yours, hopefully!) and this beautiful spring weather.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Our failures do not define us

Life is made up of a series of seemingly meaningless, pointless moments, punctuated by a few special, meaningful ones. But even the "meaningless" moments have value: they are opportunities for improvement and self-reflection.

Today, when Bird grabbed at the computer for the umpteenth time, I snapped. I roughly grabbed her arm, put on my angry eyes, and said no in my mean voice. Her face promptly crumpled and she melted into me, crying, "I want mama milk." My heart broke. I am awake now chewing that moment of failure over, near tears yet again. Failure.

Was I doing something important on the computer? No. Is there anything I could possibly have been doing on the computer that would be worth treating my daughter so terribly? With so little of the love and respect I feel for her? Never.

Moments of failure, like this one, cause me to take a step back. When I have a moment of quiet to myself in the evening, I mull them over, looking at where I went wrong. Where I failed. Where I will do better, be better, next time. 

Next time, I will remember that I am her world and she wants my love to shine on her. She wants to be just like me; if I'm pounding on a keyboard, then she wants to be pounding on a keyboard, too. Next time I will remember that playing with her is a million times more valuable to both of us than anything else. Next time I am frustrated, I will take a deep breath, remember that I am the adult and she is the child. Next time I will treat her with the love and respect she is due. She is my child and she is precious. 

Our failures do not define us, rather it is how we react and respond to them. How we grow from them. How we avoid them in the future. I am obviously doing something right because my Bird does not cower in fear when I am angry, she reaches out to me. She connects with me. She is already better equipped to care for herself emotionally than many adults.

I apologized to her. I gave her mama milk. We played and cooked dinner.

Someone I respect and admire called me a good mom this morning*.  And that makes me want to be a good mom. A great mom. I have years to work on it, and I will work on it every day. Tomorrow, no touches that aren't soft and loving, no words that are harsh, and no angry eyes. Tomorrow I will be a good mom. And the day after that. And so on.

Life may be an endless succession of seemingly meaningless, pointless moments punctuated by a few special, meaningful ones. But just because a moment doesn't stand out to me, doesn't mean it isn't a special one to her.

*Today while I was in the shower, Bird colored all over our iMac with her crayons. When I saw it, I didn't panic. I said to her, "Crayons are for paper," in the same tone I would have said, "It's snowing." And, thanks to the magic of Crayola washable crayons, I wiped it all away with a damp cloth. So maybe I am a good mom after all. I was in that moment, anyway.   

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

No 'Poo Update from the Kat

It's been a year since I decided to go shampoo free. I love it! I only have to wash my hair twice a week, my scalp isn't itchy or flaky, and my hair is so soft! Plus, it's inexpensive and there are no nasty chemicals in my bathroom, dripping down onto the Bird (my daughter) invariably playing on the shower floor.

I still dilute my baking soda (aka bicarbonate of soda) one tablespoon of soda to one cup of water, but I've found I need four cups of water (and hence four tablespoons of baking soda) for my hair. I saturate my hair fully with warm water, pour on two cups of my water/baking soda and start to scrub. Then I turn my head upside down and pour the other two cups on around the nape of my neck and down toward the crown of my head. Rinse well with warm water.

My baking soda wash is followed by an apple cider vinegar (ACV) rinse. One tablespoon of ACV plus four drops of rosemary essential oil (smells nice and helps with the itchies) diluted in a cup of water. I pour this around the sides of my head, avoiding my crown/part. Rub in then rinse well.

I bought a big 13 pound bag of baking soda at Costco at the beginning of the year, and even with my husband converting to no 'poo several months ago, and with using baking soda to wash my face (1 T of baking soda in my hand, mixed with water to form a loose paste and scrubbed well over my face - avoid the tender skin around your eyes) we still have half a bag left. This is so economical.

And yes, my husband converted! He was having dandruff issues with the shampoos I was allowing him to buy (no parabens, no SLS, etc.) and he's loving the no 'poo lifestyle!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Honey, We Can See Your Nipples

Okay, if you're not a nursing mama, you might just want to skip this one.

Saturday after my run I was walking home to cool down. An older couple was approaching me. The man whispered something to the woman. She said to me as she passed by,

"Honey, we can see your nipples."

"Oh, that's okay," I said, and continued on my way.
As a mama nursing a (very busy) toddler, I estimate that one person every day (other than my husband and my daughter) sees my nipples in the flesh. Bird is constantly popping on and off to take in her surroundings while enjoying her "neenee." This is par for the course and doesn't bother me in the least. That's what they're for!

So seeing my nipples through a bra and a shirt after my run? Not that big a deal.

Not that big a deal as long as they are:
a) level with one another
b) pointing in the same direction

I hope you can have a laugh on me today. :]

Thursday, August 5, 2010

We have a winner!

I know I should include a screen grab of the results, but you'll just have to take my word for it because I'm posting on my iPod Touch from my bed where I'm currently nursing the Bird down for the night.

The winner is #5! Congrats to my new friend Crystal! I'll be in touch to discuss your prize.

Thank you to everyone who entered. I bet we'll do another giveaway when we reach 100 "fans." And be sure to check out our Wool is Wonderful post below.

Wool is Wonderful!

You might wonder why we sell hand-knit wool shorts to be used as diaper covers. I can attest that wool is an amazing diapering tool! It naturally repels water (so it is a fairly waterproof diaper cover--assuming you change your babe regularly), which is how it keeps sheep dry. It is also inherently anti-odor and anti-microbial. This means you really don't need to wash it often; I only wash our covers in the event of a pooptastrophe or if I want them to be extra pretty when I'm showing them off (i.e. to get off the food crusties).

I alternate between two wool covers. The first is a lovely deep-plum pair of shorties that Em (aka Mouse) knit for Bird for her birthday. I love these because I don't even need to put pants on Bird. :] If you'd like to check out our selection of shorties, or custom-order a pair by size and color, please head on over to our Etsy store.

The other wool cover I use regularly is a sustainablebabyish | sloomb double layer organic merino wool cover. This cover is thick and breathable, great for overnight. I bought a "seconds" cover, meaning fully functional, but not aesthetically up to their standards, so I got it for about half price.

If you think that wool might be too hot for summer, think about this: would you be cooler wearing fabric that can breathe or a plastic, waterproof rain jacket on your summer outings? Wool allows your baby's diaper to breathe and cool down. It is the combination of urine (moisture) and heat that causes smelly, irritating nasties to grow in your baby's diaper and on their skin. Wool is the perfect solution: waterproof but completely breathable.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


We've reached 53 "fans" on facebook. To celebrate, we're doing a giveaway: a pouch sling and a hand-knit wool ball, though we would be willing to discuss crediting that amount (up to $25) toward another purchase instead, should the winner desire. Simply comment below, once per person, to be entered. I will use to select the winner at 7:00 p.m. CST on Thursday, August 5th. Don't forget to leave a way for us to get in touch with you, should you win!

Other exciting news, we've made another sale and are in talks about our first custom order. Things are getting exciting for The Kat & Mouse!

I promise to have another real post, soon. Life just gets in the way of blogging sometimes!