Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Earth Day Fair and Etsy Update

We had a blast at the Earth Day Fair in Lawrence a few weeks ago. It was an absolutely gorgeous day and spending it outside with friends and family was a delight! We talked to so many people interested in babywearing and cloth diapering, as well as many people interested in being better stewards, both of our wee ones and of the Earth.

We also finally uploaded our hand-knit shorties and balls, as well as our mei tai and pouch style baby carriers, to our Etsy store. We'd love it if you'd hop over and take a look!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

We've been bad bloggers

So sorry for the lack of updates! I promise we'll get better with time.

This weekend we'll be photographing baby carriers and hand-knit wool shorties and balls to post on Etsy. We'll be sure to post here with some photos as well! Thanks for your patience and support!