Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Our First Sale! and Loving the Line

First off, YAY! We had our first sale today! One of our paisley Mei Tais is off to its new home, where I hope it will be taken on many adventures.

As for the line, I'm referring to a clothesline. We strung up a temporary one (can't wait to own our own place so I can put up a nice sturdy permanent one that doesn't sag!) and I've been using it to dry our laundry. The sun is an amazing natural (and free!) stain remover. Stained diapers and stained clothing are no match for the sun's rays. Plus we're not using the dryer or the energy it requires, our clothes smell of the great outdoors, and I'm enjoying the very meditative time hanging and... unhanging?... our clothes and dipes.

Oh, and one more thing, it's pretty! Look at our lovely Fuzzi Bunz® dipes, so colorful!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

No-Poo update from The Mouse

It's been four months now since I stopped using shampoo and I love it. My hair feels and looks great. There are so many benefits to not using shampoo. The first is the savings. I've been working off the same $6.00 bag of baking soda for the entire four months and still have some left over. Also it's nice not to have all of those plastic bottles to worry about recycling (Our recycling center here in Lawrence only takes a few different numbers of plastic). I also only feel the need to wash my hair about once a week now. This is saving us money on our water bill and limiting my exposure to all the nasty stuff that they put in the water.

The dreadlocks are slowly forming all on their own! This is a much different experience than the last time I got dreadlocks, which included hours of back combing, recruiting lots of friends to help, and back rubs needed to counteract the pain of holding my arms in weirdo positions to get each and every dreadlock. Half the time I couldn't even see what I was doing so I never really new if I was putting hair in the right place. This time around I am letting my hair do all the work. I have to say I've never been so pleased with my hair. Naturally, or at least while using shampoo, my hair was very straight and I would have many bad hair days when I'd have to fight to get my hair into a proper pony tail. Now, I hardly even think of my hair (except when I look in the mirror and say "Hair, you are mighty fine!") all I have to do is throw on a headband or pull it up for work and I'm ready to go.

If you're looking for a change I would highly recommend switching from shampoo to baking soda, and see what your hair wants to do on its own.